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Re: check out this honda site. really.

To: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Subject: Re: check out this honda site. really.
From: "John Peacock" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 19:56:47 -0400
Cc: "Triumph Triumph list" <>
References: <>
"> The lack of Triumph in my driveway is overwelming.

We each make our own choices as to what is most important to us."

Did you drive that in bumper to bumper traffic in the rain most nights in
the summer in over 100 degree temps?  I do.  The TR I had when I first
started this drive could not defrost the windshield fast enough so as not to
hit the vehicle in front of me and the Land Rover I owned spent most of the
time  broken in my garage.  I realize that choosing a GM product as a
reliable alternative is kinda counter productive, but the dealer provides a
rental when I bring it in for repairs.

And  The lack of the Triumphs in the yard is so that I dont anger the nice
mother-in-law that has graciously allowed us to live here because the
builder building our house seems to have forgotten when it was supposed to
be done.  3 cars is pushing it allready, my other 2 would probably push her
over the edge.

ANd most important right now is keeping my job so I can pay for all the toys
I enjoy and support my wife and daughter and my current lifestyle.  HAS TO
BE absolutely reliable because nobody lives out here that I can catch a ride

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