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stuck heater valve TR6

Subject: stuck heater valve TR6
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:37:12 EDT
I had a similar proplem with a newer valve.  It turned out to be deposits 
that had accumulated on the sealing surface of the valve.  You can open the 
valve by drilling out the pop rivit on the permiteter and turning the top 
section slightly.  There is a rubber diaphram and a knob on the inside.  the 
rubber selas the unit off and the knob controls the water flow in the open 
positions.  I cleaned out the deposits and it worked fine.  I had let the car 
sit for a couple of months without starting and as it does not have an 
overflow bottle the valve sits above the "high tide" mark so to speak.

Edward Hamer
Petaluma CA.

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