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Re: Ebay 1969 TR6

To: <>
Subject: Re: Ebay 1969 TR6
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 20:46:05 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
"Jerry Oliver" wrote:
Pointed out to him Piggot lists the first  carbed TR6 (CC25003L) built
19 September 1968. This car is CC25983L, which would make it late
September or October 1968. Gave him this info. and he claims the April
date is on the "VIN" plate and Piggot is

Then I would respectfully suggest that you revert to him again with
the combined compliments of this list, Bill Piggott and the
undersigned and leave him  in no doubt that Standard Triumph did not
put manufacturing dates on VIN plates because they didn't exist in
those dates. They used things called Commission Plates and they didn't
put the dates on those either! For the record, if a customer enquired
the manufacturing date of a car when it was new, we wouldn't tell him
(or her) On some occasions the cars had been sitting in UK stock so
long before shipment that it was a positive embarrasment to reveal
when they were made - to anyone.

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