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Re: Triumph blueprints

Subject: Re: Triumph blueprints
From: Glenn Merrell <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 10:49:11 -0700
Cc: "Hutmacher, Greg" <>, "'Triumphs List'" <>
Organization: Freelance Consulting <
References: <21D9C3425D30D111BDFF00805FCC66F3519D94@DALHOT10> <9901140723.ZM1801401@gurney>
Hello All,

        Now John Mac, don't hammer me on this, I know it is one of your pet 
about lack of BMIHT vision, etc...

        British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (BMIHT) has Triumph Model Body 
"bluebrints" for sale out of their gift shoppe.  Problem is (the Jonmac issue
here), they do not yet have an e-mail catalog, ahem, ahem, but for a letter or
fax they will give you a list of what model blueprints they have and costs.  The
blueprints are copied on fancy blue marble A4 paper and carry a BMIHT raised
emboss.  I do not recall the price, byt is was fairly low, like 2-3 pounds (5
bucks).  You can also buy their CD-ROM catalog for �4.99 or $8.00 USD that lists
most of the items you can buy, plus has numberous photo shots from the picture
and film archives.  From what I recall, the blueprints covered most Triumph,
Austin, MG, Rover model body dimension drawings.

Write the gift shoppe at:

Heratige Motor Centre
Banbury Road
Warwickwhire  CV35 OBJ
United Kingdom

Phone them during business hours at 01926 645045
or you can fax your request to 01926 643103

There is also a really skimpy order form with some novelty items on the BMIHT
Web site at

Okay, John, let 'er rip ....

Glenn  Merrell
Triumph Stag Register USA VP
*Member of:
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