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Triumph blueprints

To: "Glenn Merrell" <>
Subject: Triumph blueprints
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 22:49:52 -0000
Cc: "Triumphs List" <>
On Jan 15, Glenn Merrell wrote:

Now John Mac, don't hammer me on this, I know it is one of your pet
peeves about lack of BMIHT vision, etc...
I never said it, I never said it, I never said it............ did I?

British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (BMIHT) has Triumph Model Body
dimension "bluebrints" for sale out of their gift shoppe.
Do they?????? Where did you see them? All I'm confronted with when I
go in there is a load of high cost c**p with MG written on it and a
pile of Teddy Bears which are allegedly outselling everything else.
They've even got my book in there - albeit on a bottom shelf next to
the stockroom and shielded by a table - but at least it's there, so I
shouldn't grumble (until they forget to pay me). If the shop is to
reflect the museum, perhaps Marketing Dept ought to bring in a few
stuffed grizzlies. No, on second thoughts, let's have some real live
ones. If nothing else it would keep the kids in order on summer

Problem is (the Jonmac issue here), they do not yet have an e-mail
catalog, ahem, ahem, 
Ah................ Ah................ this is
STRICTLY in confidence. I am (reasonably) reliably informed that
there is a Steering Committee with an additional Supervisory Steering
Committee in place to "consider the longer term possible benefits
that might financially accrue" woffle woffle blah blah to "and to
further consider additional profit opportunities that might further
accrue by having an interactive website" woffle woffle blah blah "and
we might even consider at the same time whether all the computers are
linked to the Rover system for e-mail"
Would someone please give me a chair? This is rather a shock to my
mental constitution.

but for a letter or fax they will give you a list of what model
blueprints they have and costs.  
Really? This is amazing! I'm beginning to think that perhaps there's
just an outside possibility that someone has been employed at HMC who
has a vestige of the understanding of the subject of "The Retail
Customer and his or her Needs."

The blueprints are copied on fancy blue marble A4 paper and carry a
BMIHT raised emboss.
Well, well, well.

I do not recall the price, byt is was fairly low, like 2-3 pounds (5
Good heavens - it's even affordable. Clearly something has gone wrong
in the Marketing Dept.


Write the gift shoppe at:
Wrong spelling, Glenn - it's Gyfte Shoppe

Heratige Motor Centre (almost, try    Her  I  t  A  ge)
Banbury Road
Warwickwhire  CV35 OBJ (not quite - try an 's' in place of the third
United Kingdom (Great Britain sounds a little more impressive, even
if it is a lie)

Phone them during business hours at 01926 645045
Ah, the direct line. Answered only if Anne, Irene or Di are there and
not down in the basement having a fag. Otherwise try 01926 641188 and
enjoy a four hour commentary on which button to press on your keypad
for whatever you need. If you don't know what you need the commentary
will tell you - at YOUR cost.

or you can fax your request to 01926 643103
That'll do.

Okay, John, let 'er rip ....
You do me a great injustice <g>

John Mac

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