On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Brad Kahler wrote:
> I will be changing the generator on my TR4A to an alternator. Which
> alternators have been used successfully and what size was it? What
> kind of mounting problems did you experience? Are you happy with
> the change?
Chevrolet 3-wire, 55 amp. Appears to be out of an american car- fittings
are not metric. (on the 55A unit in my Chevette, the fittings are metric,
and the mounting points are on different offsets). Label denotes a custom
One of the bosses on the alternator casting has been ground off. (was
about the size of a jelly bean). Also, I think the stock TR pulley was
used, which is a bit too big. Other than that I think it bolts right up.
As for my opinion: the conversion was PO-financed so I've never even seen
a TR generator ;-) ...but I do like the convenience of the solid state
regulator (no points to noodle with), and it's got more than enough oomph
to run my Bosch headlamps and booming stereo.
There's a Most Excellent (tm) article by DanMas on the VTR web-site
regarding alternator swaps. It features the GM 3-wire unit. (4 wires if
you count the ground...) Can't remember the exact URL but it's certainly
in the Electrics department of the maintenance section.
> I would like to put in a above average output alternator when I do this.
> No sense being border line here.
You can go right up to 150A (ambulance grade) with a chevy alternator, I
think... but 55A is common, and I have seen 37A as well.