I got my TR250 home. It was worth travelling 1500 miles in 2 days to get it
home. Even my wife is excited about the car. I did learn one lesson though:
truck drivers do not take kindly to SUVs towing cars behind them at 3:00
a.m. In fact, they get downright rude! But the car has almost no rust (very
minimal on the underbody, and all the bolts come off easily!).
Anyway, my question is this: the commission plate shows a number of
CD 5853 L 19 11 APL 1, 1968.
The body plate, however, shows a number 5885 CC.
Somewhere I thought I had read that the commission plate and body plate
numbers matched, but were just reversed (CD 1234 and 1234 CC). If I have
different numbers, does this mean that the left fender well has been
Your help would be appreciated.
68 TR250 CD 5853 L