SUCHAK wrote:
> Announcing the results of what is probably the first Cyber-Interactive
> Democratic Transportation Pigmentation Determination Experiment. Thanks
> to everyone for their participation, not to mention the wide range of,
> ahem, *creative* suggestions, spanning the breadth from Fleshy Pink to
> Huge Murals of Elvis. (Background color was apparently unimportant in
> that scheme....:^)
> Anyway, green is the winner, by a pretty big margin! Interestingly,
> before the vote it wasn't the strongest candidate! Audi silver was, but
> in the course of this process I realized how much I liked the color of
> my neighbors Explorer. In retrospect, my dad had a big old station
> wagon when I was a kid painted the same color and I always thought it
> looked very "rich".. So Emerald it is. It'll go especially well with
> my rims.
> The votes ended up as below:
> Emerald Metallic Green (including votes for
> BRG): 9 votes
> Red: 4 votes
> Blue: 4 votes
> Silver: 3 votes for, 1 *specifically* against, as the sender planned on
> using it for *his* car! :^)
> Burgundy: 2 votes
> White: 1 vote
> Yellow: 1 vote
> Brown: 1 vote
> Black Lacquer: 2 votes
> Mopar Plum Crazy: 1 vote
> International Safety Orange: 1 vote
> "Multi Colored Benneton Look" (??): 1 vote
> Elvis Motif: 1 vote
> Union Jack ala Austin Powers: 2 vote
> Fleshy pink to match my head: 1 vote. (bastard ;^)
> Black primer with a clearcoat: 1 vote
> Flames painted with a brush like that lunatic in New Mexico did to Art
> Kelly's kid's car: 1 vote
> And there it is. Thanks again for helping me make up my mind!
> John
I sure would like to get my hands on a set of those rims !!!
I have checked from Charlotte NC to Atlanta GA can't find those suckers.
If anyone else on the list has been to Suchak's web page and seen the
rims that he has on his project car please give me holler !!
Craig Smith
72 spit