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Re: Fast TR-6

To: Bill Hooper <>
Subject: Re: Fast TR-6
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 01:53:38 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: None whatsoever
References: <>
Bill Hooper wrote:
> On the serious side, there seems to really be something in this.  There was
> a story on CNN or something about a study which suggested that people who
> buy cars they consider to be "safe" or "fortress" cars tend to become more
> inattentive & careless in their driving.  Does anyone else have a list of
> cars that that they identify as "danger cars" which may do just anything,
> and are a threat to the personal sheet metal?  Here's my list:

One recent study supported this view--specifically regarding cars
equipped with ABS braking systems. NHTSA did an accident study of more
or less recently produced cars, and discovered that the accident rate of
cars equipped with ABS was not, as expected, lower, but rather, was
higher than cars not so equipped. Seems the general assumption from the
data was that average drivers, with the knowledge that the car had ABS,
tended to get themselves into more dangerous situations more frequently,
expecting the braking system to compensate for their indifference to
conditions and to the law of physics. <g>


My other Triumph runs, but....

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