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Southwestern Ohio BCW Update

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Southwestern Ohio BCW Update
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 08:31:06 -0400
******************NEWS FLASH*********************

I've been driving the TR7 DHC every day and I haven't 
seen another LBC.  Whimps.  The weather has been cool,
but not that bad!

Yesterday I went to a garden store and bought three
bushes and a bag of peat moss.  Since it was raining 
the top was up.  Got everything to fit, but I looked
like a "victory garden" on wheels, a veritable mobile
aurboretum looking for someplace for soil to happen.

Today we load up the TR7 "pick-up" with mulch.  Anyone
want to guess how many 2 cubic foot bags I can stick 
in the sucker?

Maybe tomorrow I'll install the CB radio.  10 - 4.

We'll see you on the flip side...

Bruce Clough

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