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Re: Redoing Frame

To: "Bowen, Patrick A" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>,
Subject: Re: Redoing Frame
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:26:27 -0400
> Well, I haven't gotten too far.  Right now my body is off and my rear
> suspension dismantled, front suspension will happen today (anyone
> how much easier this is with a good impact wrench)  I spent the afternoon
> yesterday getting answers and gathering questions at the local Sherwin
> Williams Automotive Paint Store.  They were instructing me to use a self
> etching primer, then a urethane primer coat, and then a top coat with
> coat over that.  Their paints are acrylic urthane finishes.  Does anyone
> know how many layers of these it will take?  Does this sound good/right
> anyone.  Thanks Patrick Bowen
Well, if you are doing the painting, you would be able to apply POR-15 to
the bare metal and then spray in the body colour while the paint is still
tacky. Check out their site at www.por15.com

Like I said before, you cannot wait for it to dry completely...you will
NEVER be able to sand it to take the final coat!


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