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Re: Really really weird problem

To: "Eric A. Yates" <eyates@enteract.com>
Subject: Re: Really really weird problem
From: Fred Thomas <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 18:31:49 -0400
Eric, don't beat on him, his family is very large with a good memory, just
give him the keys and let him find his way out to the highway, do not leave
your AAA card, he will use it if he has too.

"Eric A. Yates" wrote:

> Okay, now don't laugh:
> There's a bird in my garage. He can't seem to figure out that the big door
> is the way out (he keep perching above it, in the rafters). He has already
> pooped on my Spitfire twice as I've swatted at him with a broom.
> Any ideas? HELP!
> Eric.
> -----
> Eric Yates
> eyates@enteract.com
> 1978 Spitfire 1500 FM 71614 U
> Chicago, IL USA

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