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Fw: That gasket blew my head away

To: "spitfires@autox.team.net" <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Fw: That gasket blew my head away
From: "Jeffrey B. Williams" <jeffrey.williams@cwix.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 09:41:21 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey B. Williams <jeffrey.williams@cwix.com>
To: Sam Gentry <hsgentry@cfw.com>
Date: Friday, October 30, 1998 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: That gasket blew my head away

>I do owe James an apology.  But I did mean what I said about his posts
>insightful and full of useful info.   I was wrong to make that post, but am
>glad to know the truth. than to Mr. Cohen and Mr. Gentry for pointing out
>stupidity with the dignity , grace and respect I lacked.   James, I
>apologize to you, and await hearing more about your adventures with you're
>Spit.  I am very sorry.
>Jeffrey B. Williams
>1973 Spitfire FM1694UO
>Soon to be yello with black interior
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sam Gentry <hsgentry@cfw.com>
>To: Jeffrey B. Williams <jeffrey.williams@cwix.com>
>Date: Friday, October 30, 1998 6:45 AM
>Subject: Re: That gasket blew my head away
>>don't be too hard on James, he has a learning disability and in spite of
>>is able to attend college.  Apparently he is doing well.  He can cope with
>>a lot, but can't cope with spelling and grammar.  Cut his some slack.
>>At 02:41 AM 10/30/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>>>I may be banned....I may be flamed.... But political correctness is
>>>officially dead since Clinton.... and I have to say this, cause I know
>>>more people than me have thought it... James... for chrissakes, please
>>>please, please!!!!! ... learn to use the English language. I can only
>>>that English is not your second language. I know you are not a bumbling
>>>idiot, because your posts contain some very insightful,well thought out,
>>>information. I just can't wade through the bad grammar and spelling
>>>which seems to be so completely on purpose. One of the wisest people I
>>>met taught me"...when you break rules ....DO IT EFFECTIVELY!!!"  So
>>>James, break the rules in some sort of resemblance to how smart you
>>>Proudly Politically Incorrect,
>>>Jeffrey B. Williams
>>>1973 Spitfire FM1694UO
>>>Soon to be yello with black interior
>>>P.S. I know you have spell check because of your(accurate and on the
>>>post about Outlook98.
>>>P.S.S I am willing to take my lumps for this post.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: James Carpenter <jc_carpenter@softhome.net>
>>>To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
>>>Date: Thursday, October 29, 1998 10:48 PM
>>>Subject: That gasket blew my head away
>>>>I keep on having to put water in my car, 1.5 L per journy infact.
>>>>I can never seem to bleed away all the air.
>>>>I start the car, it stays cold for 3 minuets then rockets up to red hot.
>>>>Stop put in, releace the pressure, air blows though the filler bottel.
>>>>can here water boiling in the block.  Fill up with 1.5 L of water, put
>>>>cap back on, no more probs untill it cools down again.
>>>>So I checked for oil resembeling musterd. OIl's fine.
>>>>So next a compression test.
>>>>1 - 150
>>>>2 - 150
>>>>3 - 150
>>>>4 - 160 and what appers to be water beaing squerted out of the cylinder.
>>>>So I think I have got an extreamy slow blown head gasket under the studs
>>>>that sureprise surprise I didn't like the way the torqued down, I came
>>>>to stripping them infact.
>>>>So the lession, don't take no for an answer from your cylinder head
>>>>just hope I havent stripped the block!
>>>>I am unsure if to do this myself in the street (the landlord still has
>>>>cleared the garage) or get a mecanic(evil money grabing creatures that
>>>>are) to do it.  If I were at home it would be easy, but it's just doing
>>>>in the street that bothers me.
>>>>The other thing that worise me is if its not a gasguet mabe it's a
>>>>block or head, my lovely new re-bore. OH NO!!!
>>>>I knew I should not have put rad flush in the car!

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