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Re: Naming Your Spit

To: "Laura G." <savercool@msn.com>
Subject: Re: Naming Your Spit
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 22:55:18 -0700
Laura G. wrote:

> Interesting note: When Nigel acts up-I'll call Dave-his PO and mechanic.
> Dave will say-tell Nigel his father is po'd with him,and he'd better
> behave--and then I go out and tell Nige-You're going to see your father-and
> Nigel runs Perrrfectly!!!

Which brings to mind a story about Henry Ford driving down the road and
stopping to help a motorist in distress.  He asked the driver what was
wrong and she said the car won't run.  Whereupon, Henry walked up to the
front of the car, leaned over and said in a loud whisper, "Lizzy, it's
Henry."  The car immediately started up and ran like a top.

Which goes to show, you've got to keep your "children" in line.

"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."

 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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