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Re: parts washers, was: Re: Parts Cleaner Fluids....

Subject: Re: parts washers, was: Re: Parts Cleaner Fluids....
From: Michael Sloane <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 07:02:54 -0500
I was thinking exactly the same thing. I rescued a discarded fabricated 
stainless steel sink that looks like it was used either in a restaurant or 
factory, and I have plenty of metal or plastic drums plus a surplus parts 
pump. It seems to me that all I need to so get some tubing and some kind of 
nozzle, sit the drum under the sink drain, and I am set. What am I missing? I 
would think that an old kitchen sink or washtub would work as well, but I was 
lucky enough to find the stainless steel sink.

I guess the main thing I would be missing would be the cover with the fusible 
link, but I plan to use my cleaner outdoors anyway (no more room in the barn!), 
and just cover the drum securely when not in use.


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