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Re: posting newsletters on websites

To: "Alexa Hamilton, GBA" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: posting newsletters on websites
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 14:46:45 -0700
At 01:56 PM 5/28/2002 -0700, Alexa Hamilton, GBA wrote:
>my fear with posting our newsletter on the website is that if members think
>they can read it for free on the web, they won't pay their renewal dues!

   Currently the club officers with our club are having a little (ok large) 
discussion about the same thing.  I think posting newsletters on the web is 
a great idea and should be done,  most other  officers think we will lose 
members if they don't have to pay.

   The resolution we have temporarily come up with is we put up indexes for 
the last 5 years and have one issue from last year on the web in PDF.  The 
plan is to have a past issue up at all times and let them decide if they 
want to join based on the indexes from the past 5 years.  Seems to work and 
no they are not behind some password.

   Seems, to me that putting the newsletter behind some password system 
would prevent "Joe Surfer" from seeing what is probably the clubs best 
asset and hinder his/her decision to join.


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and  ~~~ .oooO  Oooo.  ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                                   (    )  (     )    
Bug Writer er...Programmer                \   )   (   /                  \_)  (_/  
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