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Re: "Gotcha"

To: "C. Halsted" <>
Subject: Re: "Gotcha"
From: RWM <>
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 14:37:27 -0400

What is "going on", is serial misrepresentation, which when corrected, 
results in the follow-on serial receipt of profanity laced direct email, 
from several list participants.

Those parties have no excuse for sending that sort of direct reply to a
public forum message, in which no similar language or invective was
used, nor will I stand for being subjected to receiving same.

If the sender thought it was a throwaway flip-off, he has now found it
won't be for long.  Perhaps it will change his behavior.  Perhaps not.

As for me, I will just continue to correct the record and respond to
roadster posts.

- Bob

C. Halsted wrote:

>whatever else may be going on, you seem to feel somehow you "got" Eric by
>posting his e-mail to you to the list. everyone is entitled to their
>opinion, his was expressed to you in a private forum, straight to you via
>e-mail. on the other hand, YOU are the one who subjected the list to the
>remark, not Eric. all you proved is that you were able to get someone really
>pissed off at you- if you got anyone, it was yourself. YOU are the one who
>owes the list a public apology for your behavior, not Eric. I don't have
>anything against you personally, we've e-mailed back and forth offlist
>before... but you really overstepped the bounds when you chose to post that
>private remark to this public forum. I suggest meditation, blood pressure
>medicine, whatever it takes..... just keep it off the list.
>Craig (Halsted)
>mostly roadsters

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