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Re: Roadster Roadtrip

To: list roadster <>
Subject: Re: Roadster Roadtrip
From: Dan Neff <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 08:15:28 -0700 (PDT)
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 00:40:16 EDT, wrote: 
>Next year I will be driving my 67.5 2000 across country. 
>... I would like to be able to attend a large meet of somesort 
>such as Mid-Ohio or whatever the other roadster owners do annually
>... But what I would like to do is know where I can count on a safe 
>haven or an oil change stop or a car wash stop if it comes to that. 
>... I have just gotten the "go ahead" from Mary a few weeks ago

Congrats on the go ahead!! :)
We'd love to have ya come through Colorado!! If you want a Meet, we'll have a
meet; just give us a date! If you want to ride some remote twisties with no
traffic, we'll have to fight over which route to take! We've got folks in
Grand Junction, Cheyenne and all over Colorado, so we can (probably) offer
safe haven's.. certainly so in the Denver/Colorado Springs area.. Come on

dan   '69 2000
Colorado Springs, CO

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