First - aren't colortunes great? <G>
Coupla quick things to check: your're turning the knobs UP tight to lean
right? (seen a few confused folks - not doubting you!)
Take the top bell off the carb & check how the needle is seated in the
piston- IIRC the shoulder should be even with the piston housing.**(Someone
step in here if this is not correct - been a few years!) They also may be
loose, might be in wrong, might be damaged/worn too.
Also to consider - Are they the appropriate needles? I'm having similar
problems & have'nt gotten to mine, but I know my kit years ago had come w/ 2
sets - they were marked w/numbers & I'm not sure which ones are correct for
the "smog set". I'm sure sure the thicker of the pair were correct, but
w/nothing to compare them too you're kinda screwed trying to figure that one
out! **(again - HELP from those who know please!)
Lastly - check the nozzles for wear. This is a typical problem as well. If
they are "ovaled out" the needle can't seat right there either.
Hope this gives you a start & some ideas - at least the SU is a simple little
beast with very little in it to go wrong.
Some references:
Ross' Sports Imports SU (510version) tips:
Scions of Lucas SU tips (brit, but still helpful!)
<A HREF="";>Tuning Your S.U. Carbs</A
Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
69 SRL311
Chandler, AZ