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Re: Stupid Ticket

To: Tom Householder <>,
Subject: Re: Stupid Ticket
From: Mike Poorboy <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 19:34:21 -0700
Tom Householder wrote:

> Hello all-- I went to court today to pay a ticket I recieved a few weeks
> ago
> for passing in a no passing zone. They lowered the fine from 170.00 to
> 105.00
> I should have pled  not guilty; but it would have been cheaper to pay
> the fine than
> miss 1/2 day's work. Whats really stupid about this whole thing is that
> ahead of
> me were 2 people;
>  A 75 year old man who does not drive, yet got a 90.00 ticket for
> "jaywalking"
> across a country road. Nearest crosswalk is 5 mi. away !!!!!
> A young woman was ticketed 225.00 for not having her shoulder harness
> over her shoulder. The belt was buckled with the harness under her arm
> (she had just had shoulder surgery). Go figure.....
> Am I paranoid or is this country becoming a Police State??
> Mandatory Roadster Content:
> Just installed hardtop on my 69 2000. (Thanks Ken Cook)
> ______Tom Householder/Portland, OR

You are not paranoid!! I got pulled over for a burnt out head light.
The head light had just burnt out ten minutes before I was pulled over.
This happened at 11.00 PM, we had just came from the cabin and
were sitting around the camp fire. I told the officer that I had one beer
five hours prior, when she asked if I had been drinking, because my eyes
were watery. She preceded to shine her flashlight in my eyes and then she
wanted me to follow her finger back in forth, this was just after she had
blinded me with the flashlight. She kept looking in the back of my work van.
Lets just call it a fishing trip. I live in North Idaho , and the cabin is
just 2 miles from the Aryan Nation compound. I figure she was searching for
an easy
drunk driving ,or a failure to have insurance violation. Easy money for
the State of Idaho.

I was never sited for the burnt out headlight violation. This was the reason

I was pulled over in the first place. When I lived in California these type
violations had to be repaired and signed of by an officer.

I contacted the Idaho State Patrol about reviewing the tape from the in
car camera. The Lt. on duty said the camera wasn't on even without
checking. I stated to him that the record light was on when she was
when she took me back to the car. He just said I was angry, because I was
pulled over. He told me he couldn't furnish a copy of the tape. I called
the attorney generals office and was told that the tape library was in
the same building were he worked, and I could get a copy of the tape.

When I called him back and told him this, he immediately asked me to
come down and reveiw the tape with him.

I believe this is another way we are being Taxed!! It is almost like
blackmail, because if you don't pay the fines you could lose your
license, and my case the only way I can get to my jobs.

Roadster content: My engine is still a part !! I am waiting for things to
down a little before I finish it.


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