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Re: Who is Randy?

Subject: Re: Who is Randy?
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 20:01:52 -0700
I agree. My wife and I go out to dinner basically whenever we want, and don't
think anything about it. I've bought tools on a whim and not used them for ten
years (if ever). I've bought plenty of lottery tickets (at $5 a pop) on the
extremely slim chance that it might do me some good.

And as Dave pointed out, Randy didn't come on here asking for money, he offered
the car for sale. Now, if we suddenly get a flood of sob stories from people
we've never heard of, I WILL be suspicious.

If you really don't trust him, buy the car for $1800 and tell him you'll hold it
for a year and sell it back to him for $2000. You make 11% or get a roadster.
That should be a good enough deal even for a Republican!  ;-) wrote:

> A valid point has been raised, and maybe it is a scam. But if anyone never
> believed that being a Roadster owner bought you in contact with a bunch of
> good people, just read the responses to Randy's plight.
> I had my doubts when Mark first suggested saving his Roadster. JH's post made
> me chuckle, re-enforcing my own cynical view of the world.
> Five bucks ain't much today. Lot's of people didn't think twice about sending
> four or five times that.
> So I'm in. What the hell, it's only money.
> Rick Stayner
> 69 2000
> Harrisburg, Pa

Gordon Glasgow
"Liberal and Lovin' It"
Renton, WA

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