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Re: 45DCOE Weber HELP!

Subject: Re: 45DCOE Weber HELP!
From: Mike Causer <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 10:26:06 BST
Phil Ethier is trying to avoid conflagration:

> Is this a high float level?

Serious possibility.

>  Too rich of jets?

Unlikely to cause liquid fuel to run out.  Hmmm, make that very unlikely.
> Caused by vibration?  There are no "isolator gizmos" between carb and
> manifold.

Have you checked that the starting jet plungers are firmly closed, and
that the accelerator pump mechanism hasn't jammed in some way?  Relying
on my overworked memory again, I think that there are paths through the 
carb that can just syphon fuel through if the wrong jets are left open.
> Is this inevitable with high gee-loading?  But they use these things on
> Real Race Cars!

Yup, done that, never had a problem.  Maybe I never went round corners
fast enough though.  (Ho ho ho)

> If you all tell me that I have to take it to the local dyno shop and get
> it retuned, I'm there.  The dyno guy told me over the phone that he was
> not used to seeing fuel come out the air intake on side-draft Webers.

Clean it out and check it over carefully, followed by retune on the dyno 
sounds good.

> I will be getting a Haynes Weber manual from a friend, but I am looking
> for some real-world help here.

If that's the reprint of the Passini books, you can't more real-world.  



Mike Causer           Setanta Technology
                         Cambridge UK
                          Utrecht NL

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