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Rover Car info

Subject: Rover Car info
From: (John Kissane)
Date: Fri, 7 May 1993 14:45:17 +0100 (BST)
This is a list of current Rover cars in case anyone is interested....

Name            Engine Range            0-60 Range

Mini            1275 cc                 13.4-11.5
Metro (Petrol)  1120-1396 cc            14.4-8.6
Metro (Diesel)  1360 cc                 18.6
Maestro (P)     1275 cc                 13.6-12.8
Maestro (D)     1994 cc                 12.1
Montego (P)     1994 cc                 9.8
Montego (D)     1994 cc                 12.5
MG RV8          V8-3946 cc              5.9
200 (P)         1396-1994 cc            10.1-6.2
200 (D)         1769 cc                 16.4-12.7
400 (P)         1396-1994 cc            11.0-6.4
400 (D)         1769 cc                 16.0-11.8
600 (P)         1997-2259 cc            10.1-8.2
800 (P)         1994-V6-2775            9.5-8.0
800 (D)         2498 cc                 11.8

The info I've given above is the series name, the engine range in that
series and the 0-60 range. Hopefully this will give you a feel for what
Rover make.

As far as I know this is the complete range from Rover. The cars Honda
have had a hand in are the 200, 400, 600 and 800, but don't take this
as gospel. If anyone is REALLY interested then send me you fax number
and I can fax you the complete details from the magazine that I took
this list from.

___________________________________________________________________ ____/|
John Kissane                           | Motorola Ireland Ltd.,   | \'o.O'
UUCP    : ..uunet!motcid!glas!kissanej | Mahon Industrial Estate, | =() ()=
Internet:   | Blackrock, Cork, Ireland |    U

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