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Selling things on british-cars

Subject: Selling things on british-cars
From: (Bruce Carter)
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1992 16:49:11 -0700

I like to think that I'm an asshole when it comes to buying a car. What
I do whether it has a priced listed or not is take what I fell is a fair
market price, or what I'm willing to spend on it. When it comes down to
negotiating the price I take out my wad of money and say I will give you
$XXX.XXX for the thing. In most cases I have just reversed the roles,
because now I have something they want, mainly money, which is why we
started talking in the first place.

I also have to agree about the part, 'if you have to ask you probably
can't afford it anyway'. But by the same token just because the price
isn't listed does not mean that the price is to high. I have seen ads
where the buyer did not list a price just to keep Looky Lews away, with
hope that not listing a price would only have serious inquiries call.


"I value little my own opinions, but value just as little those of others."
                                                                -- Montaigne

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