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Re: Re: What is LEFT OFF SIDE

To: british-cars@hoosier (SOL list)
Subject: Re: Re: What is LEFT OFF SIDE
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 17:18:24 CDT
Roland writes:
> Earlier I posted nearly the same answer to Zahid's original question but
> since then I have had an unsettling thought (at least for Zahid).  Is it
> possible to interchange the hubs?  Perhaps some PO did (or had) work
> done on the rear diff/axle assembly and it was put together incorrectly.

Absolutely possible.  Last summer I swapped the rear hubs on my
Alpine with those off the parts car, as the parts car's hub splines
were in much better shape.  In all the mess, I got them on the wrong
sides, and had the pleasure of switching them.  So what Roland
suggests is certainly something to be investigated.

> If the hubs are interchanged then torque would tend to loosen the
> knock-offs.  


> As I mentioned earlier, the right side should have left-hand
> threads.

Right again (I just went out to the parking lot and double-checked). 

Zahid, don't drive the car again until you are 100% certain that the
hubs are installed correctly.
T.J. Higgins | | Intergraph Mapping | Huntsville, AL
"I certainly was in the right" -- Pink Floyd

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