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BMC turn signals

To: ""
Subject: BMC turn signals
From: (D. STONE 5-9521, BPR: 237-2322")
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 91 09:03:21 PST
From:   SC9::DSTONE       "D. STONE 5-9521, BPR: 237-2322""  8-FEB-1991 
To:     DELPHI::IN%""
Subj:   RE: MGB talk

 > Yes Virgina, it is possible for a flasher unit
   to fail in such a way as to leave one side working and the other not.<

     This I'd like to know about, that is no flasher I've
     ever seen can differentiate between whether it is
     interrupting the voltage flow to the left side of the
     car or the right. All I've seen are upstream of the
     switch, and only when the switch is closed does the
     relay switch out, and then it is the switch that is
     directing which bulb the relay is affecting. Altho' I'd
     put nothing past British electrics !


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  • BMC turn signals, D. STONE 5-9521, BPR: 237-2322 <=