Article 16127 (8 more) in
From: (Simon Lewis)
Subject: Re: Re: Is it time to split up
Speaking as a British, British car owner, living in Britain, I would
welcome a newsgroup rather than a mailing list. I seem to drop of
lists at the slightest whim of a network problem, but I get news
reliably. I like to read, and occasionally contribute an answer to
a question, so handling the text through a news reader is also easier
through a mail handler.
I have had the exact opposite experiance. Our link was down some time
back and the only newsgroup stuff we got was from Minnesota. Lists
worked just fine. I enjoy the flame-free atmosphere. The fact that
you have to sign up keeps out the meatballs that cross-post about
cruelty to ant farms in Tanzania. Even the somewhat ridiculous
argument about XKE vs E-type never really got nasty. (My personal
opinion on that was "If Jaguar used the term in its own advertising
and literature, even if only in the USA, it is an acceptable name
for the car". But I am not a Jag enthusiast, so I stayed out of it at
the time. If you want to argue with me now, E-mail and bring facts,
don't clutter the list.)