This message was going to contain some more info on the Standard(TR) 10,
like an owners club address, but I woke up this morning to hot sunshine and
no need to drive my euro-hatch(like for picking the kids up) and rushed up
to rip the top and sidescreens off my Dutton Phaeton, leaving said address
behind. Nevertheless some Standard trivia:
There was also a Standard 8 (850cc ish) and a posh version of the 10 called
a Pennant.
The engine in the 10(which I mentioned was used in the first Heralds and
expanded in later ones) is a Standard Motor Co unit not a Triumph one.
When Triumph took over Standard the cars were marketed over here under
the name Standard-Truimph. However the name Standard was originally meant
to imply "of a high standard" but limited market research in the States
indicated that dissaffected colonials intrepreted "Standard" as meaning
"not as good as Deluxe" hence the TR handle in the US!
On a different tack, how do people avoid valve seat problems when running
old UK cars on unleaded?
Mark Stiles