Any chance that a revised ACE rail stop and expanded parking lot
would make Pleasanton an attractive site ?
"Pat Kelly" <> writes:
> Outside of its convenience (for anyone living in Pleasanton), I'm glad
> to see it go. About 10 years ago, under a previous management, we were
> enticed to latch onto a 15 acre parcel by gate 8...but then we could see
> that the land across Bernal Ave was to be developed, and we would have been
> out of there...and we were right. Homes are being built directly across
> Bernal...and noise would be a regular complaint. Sigh.
> Its demise came about because someone complained to the Fair's
> management about the horrible surface, and they immediately used that as an
> excuse to stop renting it.
> --Pat K
> >
> > Nothing can replace "experience"...there is always something we can learn,i
> > like Pleasanton
> > though because u can go out by the Fence (sweeper always) and see who's the
> > craziest
> > (big kahones)on that part of Track.Tried to get as much input as i can...
> > I know John was one of opponent of OSP's...i didn't really care,i just
> to