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Re: Turnouts

To: Boris Elpiner <>
Subject: Re: Turnouts
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 14:06:08 -0700
        Remember, turnout for the whole season was basically y'all come. It has
only been in the last 3 events (I think) that the membership requirement
has been in force, and I suspect some non-members ran there, too. 
        I think we need to watch the Slush Series and see how frequently anyone
runs more than will most likely improve. Most of those who ran
only one event I would bet were non-members.    
        As for prepaying for a number of events, will you accept MC or VISA?
Some of us are not flush with amounts of $$ in our checkbooks, and
paying for two drivers for six events comes to, ummm, $300, just when
we're trying to pay off Christmas. 
        I guess someone would monitor the prereg on the web site? Who did you
have in mind? And that person would have to have a current paid up list
for each and every event, 8:00 a.m. sharp...
        Remember, we're all volunteers.
--Pat Kelly

Boris Elpiner wrote:
> >From all this good discussion it's pretty clear to me that we have to
> continue to limit participation. I did a quick Excel data analysis on the
> 2000 Series Points table and it confirmed that most of us already know: the
> real problem is with an occasional autocrossers that show up only ones or
> twice.
> Total number of names on the list:      1092
> entering 7 or more events: 92
> entering 4-6 events:          111
> entering 2-3 events:          196
> entering 1 event:               623
> If we have to impose limits, we should concentrate on that group of casual
> competitors. Even though I like many points in Jerry's proposal for two
> series, I don't think it would work because it will be very difficult to
> find experienced people willing to run Rookie series. Here is a variation on
> Jerry's proposal that should allow us to keep one series and to allow new
> people to try the sport:
> 1. Set maximum number of entries ( I'd say 200, but I don't want to
> sidetrack the discussion)
> 2. Set a minimum of 6-7 events to participate in the regular SFR
> championship series and 3-4 for the Slush
> 3. The championship participation cards can be purchased prior to the
> beginning of the season. How about we start at the banquette? NO REFUNDS.
> 4. We'll stop selling cards when we'll reach maximum or 50% of the series is
> completed.
> 5. After the initial entries are used up, participants can purchase
> individual entries, but they are assured the spot.
> 6. We'll need to reserve 30-50 spots for occasional participants, guests
> from other regions etc, but I'll be surprised if we'll sell more than
> 120 -140 cards. That should leave plenty of spots for "occasionals".
> 7. The available spots can be made available to the public via Web
> preregestration (per event) and/or at the event. There always will be some
> souls that will just show up, and some of them may have to go home without
> having to drive.
> I can see some other benefits such as simplified registration,  preassigned
> numbers, preprinted time cards, annual tech for regulars etc. There are few
> other minor details, exceptions etc that can be worked out separately, but
> in the nutshell this is it. We can try this approach for the Slush Series
> with 3 events minimum.
> Boris.

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