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RE: One problem with Albany

To: "Keith Hearn" <khearn@Legato.COM>
Subject: RE: One problem with Albany
From: "Navid Kahangi" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:50:45 -0700
I have one possible explanation for that.  The outside of that particular
section was lined with pointer cones.  I think that created a confusion over
whether the downed cones were actually supposed to be down.  I can see why
that could be confusing to a new course worker.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Hearn []
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 11:33 AM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: One problem with Albany
> In message
> <01f601bfec98$c3a185b0$>, "Navid
> Kahangi" writes:
> >
> > Since you open this can of worms, I have to tell you my sad
> story from the
> > last event.  My first 2 runs on Sunday were dirty.  On my third
> run, I was
> > going through the first slalom with walls of cones.  After the
> second wall,
> > I noticed the entire wall (3 cones) were laying down.  No,
> these were not
> > the pointer cones on the outside of the slalom, this was one of
> the walls
> > you had to get around.  By the time I put on the breaks, I was up to the
> > next wall.  At this point I figured it was too late to stop and
> got back on
> > the gas.
> I also had almost the exact same thing happen to me. In the first slalom
>   I also saw cones down and hit the brakes, but realised I couldn't
>   stop until I was well past them, so I kept going. It seems as if the
>   workers in that area weren't paying very close attention during our
>   run group.
>   Keith Hearn
>   '99 Miata 10AE "Sexy Sadie" the Sapphire Shark
>   B-Stock
>   Milpitas, CA

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