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Re: NASA autox

Subject: Re: NASA autox
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 08:47:17 EDT
<<>Glad you enjoyed it so much Craig. Anyone else have and feedback, likes and 
>dislikes about the course design after running it? There is always room for 
>Thanks in advance.
>~Nanda (rookie course monkey with a crayon) and UFO CSP#4

<<Very creditable for a first effort and a marque-specific course.
90 degree start was well-designed
Initial straight/sweeper/lane change was great
"showcase" turn in front of the trailer

<<Increasing-speed slalom was unusual/fun
--------original plan was to have the slalom offset a bit which would have 
slowed down the cars, but I thought it would have be a little to brutal, 
considering the rest of the course ;)

----------I thought the 45� chamfered corner would allow enough acceleration 
with managable drift

The Chicago box was very tight, probably not SCCA legal.
   (note to readers: this wasn't an SCCA event and it wasn't
    required to be)

--------Yup, but I was trying to duplicate a section I drove in the Evolution 
driving school, we had a C5 in our group and he handled the box ok, just don't 
remember the exact size of the box. I have always luv'd chicago boxes, ever 
since last years SFR school
<<Lots of people got lost there, as has been noted.
The crossover was impossibly, let-me-out-of-here-so-I-can-go-home
-------we ran out of space and had to tighten the "coat hanger" by about twice 
as much, had to stay two concrete pads away from the Hiller Helicopter pad

<<Lots of people took out the finish, which hurts trying to keep the
   event going.
-------original plan was to hook the end of the slalom 90� to the right and 
cross thru the same start finish lights which would have made people consider 
taking the last bit of the slalom a little easier in preparation for a clean 
shot at the finish
Thanks for the feedback Kevin S. So you want tighter Chicago boxes, more coat 
hanger/hammerheads and longer faster slaloms, got it :) ~Nanda CSP Miata #4 

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