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RE: Forwarded: clarifications to FM exhaust protest

To: "'Mark J. Andy'" <>,
Subject: RE: Forwarded: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
From: "Bruce Haden" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 09:04:16 -0700
(Not to mention... Stingers can be removed in about 2 minutes with no
effects.  I fail to understand someone who chooses to protest their
competitors rather than speak with them prior to their runs and give
a chance to fix the problem.  IMHO, that person has lost sight of what
autox (or any type of competition) is all about.)

This is the important point to me. I've seen several cases of one
(at a regional, too) telling someone else they are illegal BEFORE they
to give them the opportunity to fix it. Such a gesture, it seems, would
have avoided all this heartburn and bad feelings. Something really big
like an illegal engine would, of course, need protesting, but something
so easily remedied should get a courtesy mention beforehand.

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