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Re: Forwarded: clarifications to FM exhaust protest

Subject: Re: Forwarded: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 11:04:17 EDT
In a message dated 9/15/02 10:51:23 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> And I should also add that I have no reason to believe 
> that any other board member would be out to get us either. I guess I'll 
> never know why we were sent away from the event.

You were not sent away from the event, but rather penalized for an obvious 
rule infraction.  Your exhaust exceeded the very specific rule which set the 
length limit at a firm 24" from the rear axle centerline; there is no 
allowance for exceeding that length.  I fully believe your explanation and am 
not accusing you of intentionally cheating, but the car did not meet the 
specifications called out in the rulebook.  It was your responsibility to 
ensure the vehicle met all of the requirements.  It wasn't like you were only 
a smidgeon over, but almost 3" too long.

I'm sorry to hear about drivers not wanting to return to Nationals, but if 
they don't consider rule enforcement a necessary part of the event process 
then it's probably in everybody's best interest for them not to return.  I'm 
also sorry that you made a mistake that resulted in dashing your shot at a 
National Championship, but it's not right to put the blame on anyone but 
yourself.  IMO you followed one mistake with another by not appealing the 
severity of the penalty, but it is certainly every driver's right to pack up 
and leave the event if they so desire.  If anyone is truly a contender for 
the championship then logic would suggest that you make the car legal and 
prove your point while pursuing the appeal process, then come back the 
following year to prove it again.

FWIW, some people feel the subjective time penalties should be eliminated 
altogether; either you're legal to the tee or you're DSQ!  Time penalties 
were only enacted as an attempt to be fair, but it would appear that the SEB 
simply opened pandora's box because ironically the only thing that results is 
criticism about how unfair the penalty is.  My apology for sounding harsh, 
but rules is rules, especially so at the National Championship event.


Mark (the FM announcer who enjoyed watching the class run)

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