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Re: [kcautox] Re: <sigh> Dale Earnhardt

Subject: Re: [kcautox] Re: <sigh> Dale Earnhardt
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:16:34 EST
It has been released to the press that Dale Earnhardt sustained severe chest 
injuries from hitting the wall head on at 180 MPH. The safety harness that he 
was wearing, the way that he sits in his car so low, the special design of 
his seat, all combined to do the damage that it did, to cost (in my opinion) 
one of the greatest racers that we have ever seen his life.

I know that he will be missed by his fans, by the people that have meet him, 
and most importantly, by his family and closest friends. 

Paul Poore
Kansas Region Member of the SCCA

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