On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Larry R. Metz wrote:
> I remember when a solo was a fun relaxing Sunday afternoon. NOw things
> are getting too much. Three day week-ends, enclosed trailers, $50,000+
> motorhomes. HOw about rules letting you bring a backup car incase???
a. There are no rules about backup cars, so bring it. :-)
b. Locally autox is still, at least for me, a fun relaxing Sunday
> It is about time for someone to invent a simple sportscar club for real
> amateurs to just enjoy their cars on the week-end in their home town on
> real street tires. Those simple trophies sure are getting expensive!
Define "real amateur" and "street tire" in a way that people agree with
first, and then start your club.
(you won't get past the definition stage)