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RE: nitrous oxide cartridges

To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Subject: RE: nitrous oxide cartridges
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 14:39:05 -0500
> > Is anybody out there, ahem, "mature" enough to remember the old
> > fashioned home-made whipped cream makers form the 60's?
> Or "immature" enough to remember alternate uses for these little
> cannisters?

Or happen to see it on the local news.  There was a big story about it here
relating to an auto accident.  A group of kids was killed in a car where
there really was no explanation for the odd movement off the road.  They
found empty cartridges in the car along with a device for opening the
cartridges and a receipt from a local sex shop.

Apparently, the sex shops sell a large number of the cartridges and

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