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Re: stuck head

To: "2000 List" <2000-register@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: stuck head
From: "Graham Stretch" <technical@iwnet.screaming.net>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 19:09:29 -0000
Hi Mike
Try hitting the ends of the studs, direct the blows straight down the stud,
this can often help free seized threads, also try tightening using two nuts
locked together, this is also sometimes helpful. Another thing that will
sometimes help is to heat the stud to red hot then quench with running
water, this will require oxy fuel gear on a high setting as a blow lamp will
not make enough heat. The principle is that the rapid expansion followed by
rapid contraction will break the crud bond holding the stud to the head. Use
with care and avoid excessive local heating of the head.
A friend of mine had a Dolomite 1850 head he could not move, he made a
tubular drill long enough to reach the block face and went down each of the
stuck studs. He had to turn a bit of bar and then drill down the centre to
fit the studs then cut some teeth on it with a hacksaw and file, don't
forget to add a bit of set to the teeth if you go this way. there were two
studs he couldn't do so he got a twin burner roofers torch and heated the
head thoroughly then he was able to lift the head.
If you haven't done too much that would risk breaking the joint have you
considered doing this without pulling the head. You could either use
compressed air to hold the valve up or the rope stuffing trick.
Good luck!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Allam" <2000mk2@mytriumphs.fslife.co.uk>
To: <2000-register@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <2000-register@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 7:55 PM
Subject: stuck head

> Help!!
> The other day a valve spring broke. So I went to the spares box found a
> spring and got busy removing the rocker cover, tappets etc, all went well
> until it came to lifting off the head. solid!!!
> I put plusgas down the studs, solid!!!
> I put double lock nuts on to remove the studs Solid!!!
> I used a special tool that unscrews anything  Solid !!!
> I tried a chisel on the joint, broke chisel. Solid !!!
> I have been told about welding on a nut but it seems 9 of the 14 are stuck
> I have been told, get a club hammer and smash it to bits then replace it
> with another.
> Any ideas of a less drastic nature please.
> All The Best
>                  Mike  :o))

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