Not enough information.
What speed are you traveling when this occurs? Are you traveling at a high
rate of speed, ie, using a lot of fuel, or just poking along.
Do you immediately put in the clutch and depress the throttle while still in
motion? Or do you come to a stop, then mess with the throttle?
Edward Sass
Technical Training Specialist
COLA accreditation. education. innovation. ISO 9001:2008
9881 Broken Land Parkway | Suite 200 | Columbia, MD 21046
Phone (800) 981-9883 | Fax (410) 381-8611
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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Arch Boston
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 4:20 PM
To: List for the Z Magnette Group - North America
Subject: [Zmagnette] What should I check first???
My car has developed a problem..... The last few times I have driven the car
it does the same thing. It will be running just fine and then it will start to
act as if it is running out of gas. Stumbling and trying to die.... After I
bleep the throttle a few times thinking it is truly "AAA time" the car will
run just fine. There is a fuel filter between the gas tank and fuel pump. The
filter doesn't look freshly installed, however, it is not needing replacement.
The fuel pump is an electronic unit not SU. Should I suspect the fuel pump? In
the past when I needed to replace a pump it was dead --- not working part of
the time and fine later. What should I check first??? Arch
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