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RE: Gee but I'd love to hear that again --- me too!

Subject: RE: Gee but I'd love to hear that again --- me too!
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 15:27:30 -0500
I'd be interested in the same, Scott.

You left out one of my favorites:  Freddy Agabashian
(driver of the Cummings Special -- and announcer/commentator).

     --- Mike Savin

-----Original Message-----
From: ext Scott Paceley []
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: Gee but I'd love to hear that again

Howdy all,

About this time of year I get all nostalgic for Memorial days spent 
close to a transistor radio listening to Sid Collins, Howdy Bell (at 
the top of the grandstands in turn two) a very young Paul Page and 
more names I can't recall.

I'm sure many remember the REAL Greatest Spectacle in Racing as I do.

I'd love to find recording of these broadcasts, commercials and all. 
(Why I didn't tape them with my JC Penney cassette recorder I don't 

Does anyone have recordings of their own? Is there a commercial 
source for this?
I'd most like something from the late fifties to the early seventies.

Thanks big,

Scott Paceley  * 217-333-8759  *  Champaign, IL
graphic design, photography

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