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Re: Oil pan baffles

To: "n" <>
Subject: Re: Oil pan baffles
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 13:01:02 -0500
My suggestion, and what I did when I ran a Midget, is use an Accusump oil
accumulator instead.  To me, it's about as good as a dry-sump, and might
also allow you to run less oil in the pan, hence less oil whip, etc.
Also allows dead easy pre-oiling at normal start-up, and after rebuilds.

At 09:51 AM 10/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Anyone have any suggestions re. a proven design of oil pan baffles to use in
>my MGB racer?  Someone on the MG-Digest suggested Brown & Gammons as a
>source for one.  But, I'm looking for something easy to fabricate & weld
>into a stock pan.  I'd like to come up with something as efficient as the
>system in my Alfa Guilietta Veloce.
>I thought I saw a mention of a plan for a baffle system in an old issue of
>the MGVR newsletter.  But, I haven't been able to find that particular
>Norm Sippel
>61 Sprint Veloce
>66 MGB
>73 3.0 CS
Brian Evans
Director, Carrier Sales
UUNET, an MCI WorldCom Company
(416) 216 5111

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