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Re: Sebring 12 hour

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Sebring 12 hour
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 10:28:31 PST
>> Dear all:
>> Why are these sponsor types starting to dictate who gets what? (Could it
>> be the golden rule?)
>> But seriously folks... this has fairly serious implications for all of
>> vintage racing. The sponsors obviously want to see a great
>> turnout=gate=cash flow and don't leave much room for the purists. Is
>> this the direction we're going? Do we want to go there? How good ARE
>> those parties, anyway?
>> Cabin fever very bad this year...

Is it really the gate receipts the big sponsors are after?  I would
think they are simply buying exposure and advertising rights.  Why else
would Chrysler have such a huuuge tent full of new vehicles at the
Monterey Historics?  I have a feeling the big guys are just after foot
traffic thru their displays.  If there is competition for venues, it
might be from some misplaced fear these sponsors have that another guy's
event would "saturate the market" and keep people from coming to their
own event.  Up to a point, I'd say that's rubbish, and very short
sighted of them.

>Question...  if we're getting the benefit of all the "sponsors" in
>vintage racing these days, and there's thousands of spectators paying
>mucho doleros to watch us thrash about in vintage iron, how come entry
>fees keep going up, and track time keeps going down, hmmmm?

Again, I think it's more a matter of them wanting more exposure, hence
they invite more "special" cars and people to run, taking time away from
the "bread and butter" entrants.  I'd advise them to watch that crap.
The last thing they want to do is alienate the majority of the regular
participants who make the event possible.  Comments?

For the most part, I think fees are going up because fees are going up.
Tracks charge more, insurance costs more, ambulance companies charge
more, etc.  I saw a breakdown last year.  You would not believe how much
Sears Point charges just for the use of the bloody P.A.  ;=(

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