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Re: Vintage Race Opinions

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Opinions
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 10:49:26 PDT
I quite agree with Myles on this one.  The attendant social aspects are
high on my list of things that attract me to an event.  I have a much
easier time getting my wife to go along on these junkets if there is a
nice dinner party on the agenda.  The only way I got her out to the SCCA
Laguna event was the proximity of Monterey.  We know we can always have
a nice evening there, even if the event offers no additional social
attractions.  In spite of all the things people (me included) have to
say about Steve Earle, I have to say he knows how to lay on the
amenities.  My wife and I had a fabulous time at the Historics.  Even
though she couldn't make it to the Wine Country Classic, the fellow who
went with me greatly enjoyed seeing "Grand Prix" on a real movie screen,
and was tickled pink at getting Ken Tyrell's autograph.  The CSRG Reno
Hilton event has great amenities to offset a terrible track and a so-so
location.  I may skip the racing at Reno, but the tour package is still
attractive.  I'm sure they could use another Tech Inspector or Driver
Observer.  The 50's theme party there is always a blast.

>Equally important to the racing, from my perspective, is the socializing
>that occurs among the racers.

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