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Vintage Race Opinions

Subject: Vintage Race Opinions
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 11:34:44 -0400
I wish I collect a quarter for every Email my comments have generated on this
subject!  I could buy lots of vintage race cars of all types!!!  Seriously, I
think this is a perfect forum for this kind of discussion on the subject that
doesn't really go on at the club board meetings, or at the track.

A few more thoughts....I'm sort of in the middle as one who races a
"production" type car, one who gets involved in putting on events, and one
who enjoys watching "vintage" cars race.   I suppose I'd have a different
opinion if I owned a Formula B car.  There must be some happy medium between
all of these factors, or there won't be enough entries, or they'll all be
late model cars, in either case it would be bad for the sport and the events.
 I've heard some valid opinions, and some good ideas here...I hope you'll
keep them coming. 

Equally important to the racing, from my perspective, is the socializing that
occurs among the racers.  I've made some very close friends through vintage
racing, and even though we may not agree on what the rules should be, or what
cars should be eligible we are now friends.  I can't possibly imagine why
someone would come to a vintage race, race, and then just go home without
socializing....but I'm sure some do.  Taken in this perspective, my view is
that we need to consider this factor as well in determining how events are
organized, and even what cars to accept.  Making occasional exceptions to
normal rules (like SCCA and CSRG just did) proved to be fun and interesting
for many.  We made new friends, and had a good time.  I've run the USRRC
Seniors Tour for 3 years now, and find that to be one of the most fun events
in vintage.  I get to run with cars I don't normally run with, make lots of
new friends, have fun on the track, and have fun at their parties and social
events.  Now I know that this approach to vintage racing is not what many of
you prefer, but I'd suggest trying it before dismissing it as not in the
spirit of vintage racing.  But a big part of the success of USRRC, in my
opinion, is the inclusion of a social element.

Well, there you go, now have it again...........

Myles H. Kitchen
Lotus Cortina Mk1  (where's that Galaxie??????)

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