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[Fwd: Re: Vintage Race Opinions]

Subject: [Fwd: Re: Vintage Race Opinions]
From: Susan <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 19:43:23 -0400
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Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 19:34:20 -0400
From: Susan <>
Organization: Alfas
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To: Simon Favre <>
Subject: Re: Vintage Race Opinions
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Simon Favre wrote:
> I quite agree with Myles on this one.  The attendant social aspects are
> high on my list of things that attract me to an event.  I have a much
> easier time getting my wife to go along on these junkets if there is a
> nice dinner party on the agenda.  The only way I got her out to the SCCA
> Laguna event was the proximity of Monterey.  We know we can always have
> a nice evening there, even if the event offers no additional social
> attractions.  In spite of all the things people (me included) have to
> say about Steve Earle, I have to say he knows how to lay on the
> amenities.  My wife and I had a fabulous time at the Historics.  Even
> though she couldn't make it to the Wine Country Classic, the fellow who
> went with me greatly enjoyed seeing "Grand Prix" on a real movie screen,
> and was tickled pink at getting Ken Tyrell's autograph.  The CSRG Reno
> Hilton event has great amenities to offset a terrible track and a so-so
> location.  I may skip the racing at Reno, but the tour package is still
> attractive.  I'm sure they could use another Tech Inspector or Driver
> Observer.  The 50's theme party there is always a blast.
> >Equally important to the racing, from my perspective, is the socializing
> >that occurs among the racers.

Hey! Just a comment. Not all of us female types need "another" reason to 
go to the races. (Some of us even drive in them.) And you can't pry a 
lot of the men away from the Orvis store during the Mt. Equinox 
hillclimb, you know... Vintage racing's a good excuse for a party, it 
should be a party - but the dinners are getting a little dreary. 
However, Monterey was GREAT! I think Steve Earle is OK! Big fun!
Take this with a grain of speedy dry...

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