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Lighting a Candle (was: Piggot)

To: "triumphs" <>
Subject: Lighting a Candle (was: Piggot)
From: Hoyt <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 14:45:43 -0500
On Friday 16 December 2005 09:53, Randall wrote:
> > I have never understood why a lot of T/R owners quote from Bill Piggot,
> > he is a writer making $$$ from our cars, he was not a factory emplyee (we
> > have them on this list though) and his books are filled with
> > "misinformation", I also believe we have list members with more knowledge
> > about our cars, yes and most of you are aware of these members, just my
> > thoughts on facts about our LBC's.

I understand Fred's position and agree with his criticism.

> Imperfect though Bill's books are, at least they are written down !  They
> are a starting point, something we can throw darts at.  As soon as someone
> else writes a better book, we'll start throwing darts at it ... but for
> now, Piggott's Original TR2-3 and 4-6 is the best we have in print with
> photographs.
> Randall

There are two well-worn aphorisms that can be applied here:

"It is better to light a candle that to curse the darkness."
"When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."

Randall is correct in that Piggotts book is the the best we have in print with 
photographs, but it doesn't have to stay that way.

We could expend our efforts to make Piggott's book better, but that is the 
author's responsibility.

We could make our own book, but the realities of publishing leave those pages 
composed of "unobtanium" as well.

However, we could create our own repository of knowledge using a WikiWikiWeb 
page (see

I'm in the process of setting up just such a wiki at (same 
as I'll place all content under the Creative Commons 
license ( so that all contributed content is 
always available to everybody.


1954 TR2   TS561L
1959 TR3A  TS33111L
1960 TR3A  TS43923L
1960 TR3A  TS74076L
1961 TR3A  TS63304L

===  This list supported in part by The Vintage Triumph Register

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