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Re: Temperature Gauge Question

To: "John A. Wise" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Temperature Gauge Question
From: "Kurtis" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 22:34:19 -0500
References: <v0421010fbd14a428edd2@[]> <001601c4660d$22102d30$6401a8c0@DD400821> <v04210100bd14f6ade694@[]> <000d01c46620$9c777e80$6401a8c0@DD400821> <v04210101bd150c51fc51@[]> <007701c46635$f73f09e0$6401a8c0@DD400821> <v04210100bd1726cb1a04@[]>
> I had my 60 TR3A out for a short run around the neighborhood this
> morning and when I got it up to temp I brought it back to the garage
> and measured the temp using a small pocket thermometer inserted in
> the refill neck, which is about 5 inches behind the radiator and
> about 10 inches from the water temp pickup, but I would guess it to
> be slightly cooler.
> I have a metric gauge scaled at 30C, 85C, 98C (no number, just a
> tic), & 110C. The temperature pick up looks new (i.e., very clean &
> shinny)
> I did a check on my pocket thermometer, it read 32F in icy water and
> 202F in a cup of water that had just stopped boiling.
> At 90C on the gauge on the dash, I measured 152F in the filler neck
> , est. 160F
> At  85C on the gauge on the dash, I measured 141F in the filler neck
> , est. 148F
> John


Looks like yours is one of the 30/85/110C gauges that Randall mentioned (and
according to the "Original Triumph" were installed on the capillary equipped
cars).  You mentioned that your temperature normally ran about two thirds
the way up the gauge.  Based on your test results, I'd guess that would put
you in the 170-175C range, but I don't know how much effect on the
temperature reading the neck extension has (like you I would suspect it to
perhaps be a little cooler than gauge temperature, but certainly not as
drastic as you've recorded).

Your gauge seems to be off in the opposite direction of mine... However, the
markings on your gauge seem to make a lot more sense than mine. :)

Kurtis J.
Russellville, Arkansas
1963 TR4

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