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RE: if the TR3 were made today

To: <>
Subject: RE: if the TR3 were made today
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 07:23:22 -0700
> To be fair, you are quoting the blurb on one model, the Aero 8.
> If you visit
> the Morgan website you will see that the +8 and 3 variants of the
> traditional 4/4 are still very much in production.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that the 4/4 has
not been available in the US for many years, due to it's failure to meet our
safety standards; and the Plus 8 (which is a much newer design than a TR3A
and actually the model I was talking about as not looking much like what I
think of as a traditional Morgan) failed for 2004.

At this point, I suppose Morgan can afford to ignore the US market ...
although I wonder if this doesn't have something to do with their dramatic
reduction in backlog ... but since the original poster was an American, I
was answering from an American point of view.  It's also hard (for me) to
imagine a TR3 reproduction enjoying the rather lofty status (and price)
commanded by Morgan ... the TR3 was a working man's sports car, not a rich
man's playtoy.


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