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RE: if the TR3 were made today

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: if the TR3 were made today
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 00:04:21 -0700  wrote :

> Greetings...  Morgan seems to have done it.   TJ

Have you looked at a modern Morgan ?  Granted they still look like a kit car
... but IMO the resemblance to a classic Morgan ends there.  Not one body
panel is the same, I'll bet not one suspension or frame piece is the same
(no wood to be found), and I know the motor and transmission is not the
same.  Rear axle is dubious too (but I haven't been under one to check).

"The frame is an interesting combination of rectangular aluminum tubes that
are reinforced with bonded and riveted aluminum panels"

Sure doesn't sound like a Morgan to me !!

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