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Re: Electric Fan Control

To: "Gerald Van Vlack" <>
Subject: Re: Electric Fan Control
From: Darrell Walker <>
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 07:23:23 -0800
Cc: tr list <>
On Saturday, April 5, 2003, at 07:16 AM, Gerald Van Vlack wrote:

> Darrell, In my opinion at idle you risk having temperatures in the 
> head reach unacceptable numbers before your fan is activated, even 
> with the lower settings as you've indicated. I find that my car runs 
> best at 180 to 190 water temperature. I am able to maintain that 
> temperature even at idle if the fan turns on soon enough. If allowed 
> to get too hot it takes an inordinate amount of time to cool. My 
> engine is warmed up a bit with larger pistons, a milled head and cam 
> so I am generating more heat too.
> What does your temperature gauge read at the time when the fan is 
> activated?

The fan comes on just before the gauge hits the upper range of the 
bracket around the center 70 C mark.   Normally the gauge reads just 
below the 70 C mark.

As a side note, my car has a temp gauge in C.  Is that correct for a 66 

Some quick (approximate) conversions:

70 C = 160 F
80 C = 175 F
90 C = 195 F

So I'm guessing that my temp never gets above 80-85 C (175-185 F).

Darrell Walker
66 TR4A IRS CTC67956L
Vancouver, WA, USA

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